Control | Description |
Enabled | The enabled state of the device Default: Selected |
User ID | The customizable numeric ID of the device |
Name | A user-defined display name for the entire set of Vicon devices or for each individual Vicon device. |
Preview Mode | Displays the current preview mode (Off or Previewing). |
Device ID | The unique identification number Vicon assigns to each Vicon device during manufacture. |
Serial Number | The device's serial number (if set). |
Firmware Version | The version number of the Vicon firmware currently installed on the Vicon device. |
MAC Address | The Media Access Control (MAC) address assigned to the Vicon device during manufacture. This is a hexadecimal value in the format ##.##.##.##.##.##. |
IP Address | The Internet Protocol (IP) address assigned to the Vicon device on the Vicon Ethernet network. |