However, it may not always be obvious that the tracking is failing for a few frames or that the pose of the object is noisy in particular parts of the volume, particularly when dealing with large numbers of objects. In these cases, examining the primary camera calibration health metrics may indicate potential issues. For details, see Examine the main health metrics.
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Examine the main health metrics
In cases where the Graph Plots view does not reveal the source of any issues (see Plot graphs of object count and object position/rotation), the following primary camera calibration health metrics can help to reveal potential problems.
In addition to the bump notification warning, the System Health Report also provides a Camera Accelerometer section, which displays a graph showing the maximum accelerometer signal for any camera. This is useful for showing when the cameras accelerometers are detecting motion that may not trigger the bump notification warning but may still be of interest or concern, eg, a door slamming may cause the cameras to momentarily shift but will likely return to their previous position, and the tracking may be affected for a very limited period.
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Monitor camera temperature
Several common issues with camera calibration arise from changes in temperature. Ambient temperature changes may cause thermal expansion/contraction of the camera rig causing camera positions to change from their calibrated values. Internal changes of temperature can lead to internal shifts of lens elements and the sensor that may invalidate calibrated parameters.