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After you have created a subject node in Vicon NexusVicon Nexus, you capture a short trial and reconstruct the markers.


  1. In the Resources pane, click on the Subjects tab.

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  2. Click the Create a Blank Subject button .
    Nexus prompts you to enter a subject name. By default, the name is the same as that of the subject defined within ProEclipse.

  3. Enter the name by which you will identify the template, such as LeftArmReachingExperiments.

    (tick) Tip: Subject names must have no more than 32 characters.

    A new subject node is added to the Subjects resources tree. If more than one subject is present, the subjects are displayed in alphabetical order.

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    Sub-nodes for the minimum elements required for a VSK are automatically added: Markers, Segments, Joints, and Model Outputs.

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  4.  Make Make sure that the check box next to the subject name is selected in the Subject list.

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    The subject node name is initially displayed in red to indicate that the node is empty of data, and with an asterisk * to indicate that it has not yet been saved. When the node contains a fully populated VST or VSK, the node name is displayed in black.
  5. In the Tools pane, click the Subject Preparation button .

  6. From the Subject drop-down menu, ensure the subject you just created is selected.

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  7. Place markers on a subject according to the marker set you have designed. You are now ready to capture a short trial that will form the basis of your labeling skeleton template.