Thus, the following command selects all markers whose name began with L (usually indicating they are on the left of the body):
Code Block | ||
| ||
selectByName "L*" -type "Marker"; |
Unlike the select command which selects only the first module with the given name if multiple modules of the same name exist, the selectByName command selects all modules of the given name.
Scroll tablelayout | |||||||||||||||
Name | Flag arguments | Argument type | Exclusive to | Comments |
a | 0 | — | r | Specifies that selection operation add to the current scene selection. The default is to replace the scene selection. |
r | 0 | — | a | Specifies that selection operation be removed from the current scene selection. The default is to replace the scene selection. |
type | 1 | string | — | Narrows the search to specific module types (e.g. Bone, Marker, etc.). The default is all module types. |
childOf | 1 | string | — | Only selects modules that are children of this module name. |
Return value
Code Block | ||
| ||
// Select all head markers in the scene, not just the |
// one under the priority search module |
selectByName "LFHD" "RFHD" "LBHD" "RBHD"; |
// Could have also done this |
selectByName "*HD"; |
// Add to the selection all front waist markers |
selectByName "?FWT" -a; |
Additional information
Related commands