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You can control the flow of script execution by using the following types of statements to manage the order in which operations are executed: |
Table of Contents |
Use conditional statements (if, else, else if, switch)
You write a test condition by enclosed it in parentheses (). The resulting value must be an int, float, or vector data type. The test condition value is then converted to an int data type to represent either true or false.
Code Block |
// if (test condition) execute statement; |
if (0 < 1) print "zebra"; |
If the test condition has a value of type int or float, the test condition is true only if the value, converted to type int is not 0:
Code Block |
if (<<0,0,0>> == <<0,0,0>>) print "referee"; //true |
You can use the following types of conditional statements in Shogun Post:
Tip |
Tip To make conditional statements easy to debug, group the commands to be executed under the IF statement. |
If you are using multiple statements, use grouping to control scope execution by enclosing the statements within braces {}.
For example:
string $blah = "This worked"; |
ELSE statements
if (test condition)
execute statement_1;
execute statement_2;
} |
For example:
ELSE IF statements
if (test_condition_A)
execute statement_1;
else if (test_condition_B)
execute statement_2;
} |
For example:
SWITCH statements
You write a switch statement in this format:
switch (expression)
case n;
code block
case n;
code block
} |
For example:
Use looping statements (while, do while, for)
You can use the following types of looping statements in Shogun Post:
Tip |
Tip You can use Interruption statements to affect the flow control in looping statements. |
while (test condition)
execute statement; |
For example:
("There are " + string($PJ) + " P.J. sandwiches left."); |
print ("Houston, we have a problem!"); |
DO WHILE statements
execute statement;
while (test condition); |
For example:
Code Block |
int $peanuts = 1; |
print ("Elephants work for peanuts"); |
FOR statements
for (initializers; test condition; incrementor)
execute statement; |
For example:
for( $i = 1; $i < 6; $i += 1 ) |
$blah = "This is what happens when things coincide"; |
Looping examples
You can use the script below as a template for creating single and nested loops. Refer to the comments to learn what each set of statements does. You may want to save this script to a file called loop-example.hsl for future reference.
Code Block |
//Define the statement you are going to print each iteration |
//Define variables to use as counters |
//Start the $i loop and specify start, end, and amount to increment |
for( $i = 1; $i < 6; $i += 1 ) { |
//Start the $ j loop and specify start, end, and amount to increment |
for( $j = 1; $j < 15; $j += 2 ) { |
//Tell Shogun Post to print something if $i < $J |
$statement = string( $i ) + " is less than " + string( $j ); |
//Tell Shogun Post to print something else if $i > $j |
$statement = string( $i ) + " is greater than " + string( $j ); |
//Tell Shogun Post what to print if the two counters are equal |
$statement = "This is what happens when things coincide"; |
//Tell Shogun Post to actually print the statement you've assembled |
Loop through objects in a scene
The following example shows you how to list all the objects in a scene by name. You can modify this set of steps to perform the tasks listed above, and to handle any activity which requires you to execute one or more operations on through a given set of objects in a scene.
Code Block |
// Courtesy of Jake Wilson of SCEA
// Initialize Variables
print " ";
// Create array of children under 'Actor' Mary's character node
string $childarray[] = `getChildren Mary`;
// Determine # of children
int $childcount = `getCount $childarray`;
// Create a $childarrayloop to hold a number
int $childarrayloop = 0;
// Print an empty string
string $ proptest;
// Start a loop which run once for each of Mary's children
for ( $childarrayloop=0 ;
$childarrayloop < $childcount ;
$childarrayloop +=1 ){
// print name of current child marker in array
print ( string ($ childarray[$childarrayloop] ) );
// return the name of the marker and compare the name
// of the marker to the name"LFWT"
$ proptest = ` getStringProperty $ childarray[$childarrayloop] Name`;
if ($ proptest==LKNE){
// if that LFWT marker is found, this tells the loop to quit
$ childarrayloop=$childcount;
print ( "EXITING LOOP" );
} |
Use interruption statements (break)
looping_statement (test condition)
execute statement;
break; |
For example:
Code Block |
int $parole = 3; |
print (string($parole) + " days until $parole"); |