Scroll tablelayout | |||||||||||||||
Name | Flag arguments | Argument type | Exclusive to | Comments |
rangeMode | 1 | string | — | Specifies the time range the autolabeler will label. |
minTrajLength | 1 | integer | — | Only trajectories that are this length or longer will get considered by the autolabeler. |
jointPlacementSlack | 1 | float | — | Specifies the amount in mm the joint positions of the calibrated skeleton might be off by. Increase this value if you have low confidence in the joint positions of the skeleton. |
fixedSlack | 1 | float | — | Specifies the amount in mm the markers positions(constraint offsets) of the calibrated skeleton might be off by. Increase this value if you have low confidence in the marker positions relative to the skeleton. |
entranceThreshold | 1 | float | — | Specifies the percentage of markers that must get labeled for the autoalabler to consider the actor in the volume and switch from boot mode to tracking mode. |
exitThreshold | 1 | float | — | Specifies the percentage of markers that get labeled for the autolabeler to consider the actor out of the volume. |
jointLmtSlack | 1 | float | — | Specifies the amount in percentage to increase the joint range by. Increase this value if you think the ROM used to calibrate the skeleton did not have enough motion. |
recalSlack | 1 | float | — | Specifies the amount in mm the marker covariance might be off by. Increase this value if you have low confidence in the maker covariances from the calibration. |
slackFactor | 1 | float | — | This allows slight extra uncertainty in marker placement, as a proportion of the wobble observed in the subject calibration. |
selectedTraj | 1 | boolean | — | Specifies that only selected trajectories should be considered by the autolabeler. |
restoreDefaultSettings | 0 | — | — | Resets the autolabel options. |
labelingClusterFlexibility | float | |||
solve | boolean | Solves the labeling skeleton after automatic labeling occurs. |
Return value
Code Block | ||
| ||
// Set the autolabeler to only label the select time ranges and not |
// allow labels applied to extend beyond the selected ranges. |
autoLabelOptions -rangeMode "RangesOnly"; |
Additional information
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