You can control the flow of script execution by using the following types of statements to manage the order in which operations are executed:
Scroll only |
scroll-viewport | true |
scroll-pdf | true |
scroll-office | true |
scroll-chm | true |
scroll- |
Use conditional statements (if, else, else if, switch)
IF statements
The IF statement works as follows: if the test condition is true, the statement is executed.
Code Block |
if ( 2 < 3 )
string $blah = "This worked";
print ($blah);
} |
ELSE statements
The ELSE statement always follows the IF statement. The ELSE statement is executed when the preceding IF statement is false.
ELSE IF statements
The ELSE IF statement is always paired with the IF conditional statement. Unlike the else command which executes a statement when the IF statement is false, the ELSE IF statement requires another test condition to be true, or it will not execute either statement.
SWITCH statements
The switch statement is a conditional statement that executes a code block depending on which one of a number of given cases is matched to the switch expression.
Tip |
Tip You can use Interruption statements to affect the flow control in looping statements. |
WHILE statements
A WHILE looping statement continuously executes designated statements as long as a specific condition remains true.
DO WHILE statements
A DO WHILE looping statement executes a specific statement then checks whether or not to repeat the loop. This ensures that the statement is executed at least once.
Code Block |
int $peanuts = 1;
do {
print ("Elephants work for peanuts");
$peanuts += 1;
print ($peanuts);
while ( $peanuts < 10); |
FOR statements
A FOR looping statement provides loop control that has initialization, test, and an increment statement.
Code Block |
// Courtesy of Jake Wilson of SCEA
// Initialize Variables
print " ";
// Create array of children under 'Actor' Mary's character node
string $childarray[] = `getChildren Mary`;
// Determine # of children
int $childcount = `getCount $childarray`;
// Create a $childarrayloop to hold a number
int $childarrayloop = 0;
// Print an empty string
string $ proptest;
// Start a loop which run once for each of Mary's children
for ( $childarrayloop=0 ;
$childarrayloop < $childcount ;
$childarrayloop +=1 ){
// print name of current child marker in array
print ( string ($ childarray[$childarrayloop] ) );
// return the name of the marker and compare the name
// of the marker to the name"LFWT"
$ proptest = ` getStringProperty $ childarray[$childarrayloop] Name`;
if ($ proptest==LKNE){
// if that LFWT marker is found, this tells the loop to quit
$ childarrayloop=$childcount;
print ( "EXITING LOOP" );
} |
Use interruption statements (break)