Versions Compared


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When you install Vicon Post, the latest hot key file (HotKey.hsl) is installed in C:\Program Files\Vicon\ShogunPost1.#\DefaultConfiguration.
However, the hot key file that Post uses by default is C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\ShogunPost1.x\HotKey.hsl. To preserve any hot keys that you may have added, this file isn't modified by installation. The hot key file is only recreated from \DefaultConfiguration if one doesn't exist.
So, if you install a later version of Post, which has changes to the default hot key file, you must either delete the file in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\ShogunPost1.x before installing, or copy the file from C:\Program Files\Vicon\ShogunPost1.#\DefaultConfiguration over the one in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\ShogunPost1.x. In either case, be sure to save any hot keys that you have added before deleting or replacing the file C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\ShogunPost1.x\HotKey.hsl. You can then manually edit the HotKey.hsl file to preserve your custom hot keys.

3D Scene view

ActionMouse/Hot key
RotateClick and drag
ZoomRight-click and drag
TranslateLeft- and right-click and drag
Snap the 3D view to selected object(s) without trackingC
Track the selected object(s) and enable you to change the selection without stopping tracking the originally selected object.X
To stop tracking, click C.
Scale the manipulatorPress + (scale up) or - (scale down)
Switch between Label and Select modes when labeling a subjectL
Create a retargeting constraint between the selected solving and retargeting bones, or a solving constraint between the selected solving bone and marker. (In either case, the order of selection doesn't matter.)CTRL+T
Create a retargeting rotation constraint between the selected solving and retargeting bones. (The order of selection doesn't matter.)CTRL+R
In Labeling mode (in the Labeling panel, in the Manual Labeling Options, select Label), with the mouse in the view pane and the Labeling panel open, move up and down the list of labels.Shift+click to go up through the list
Shift+right-click to go down through the list

Scroll pagebreak

Data Health view
