You can control the flow of script execution by using the following types of statements to manage the order in which operations are executed:.
Scroll only |
scroll-viewport | true |
scroll-pdf | true |
scroll-office | true |
scroll-chm | true |
scroll-docbook | true |
scroll-eclipsehelp | true |
scroll-epub | true |
scroll-html | true |
2 |
Code Block |
// Courtesy of Jake Wilson of SCEA
// Initialize Variables
print " ";
// Create array of children under 'Actor' Mary's character node
string $childarray[] = `getChildren Mary`;
// Determine # of children
int $childcount = `getCount $childarray`;
// Create a $childarrayloop to hold a number
int $childarrayloop = 0;
// Print an empty string
string $ proptest;
// Start a loop which run once for each of Mary's children
for ( $childarrayloop=0 ;
$childarrayloop < $childcount ;
$childarrayloop +=1 ){
// print name of current child marker in array
print ( string ($ childarray[$childarrayloop] ) );
// return the name of the marker and compare the name
// of the marker to the name"LFWT"
$ proptest = ` getStringProperty $ childarray[$childarrayloop] Name`;
if ($ proptest==LKNE){
// if that LFWT marker is found, this tells the loop to quit
$ childarrayloop=$childcount;
print ( "EXITING LOOP" );
} |
Use interruption statements (break)