To be really useful, however, your scripts must be readable, easy to customize, and bulletproof. Follow these suggestions when you This page covers how to create scripts and you will find that you offers tips for you and your associates on how to spend less time looking for bugs and more time producing high quality motion capture animation:.
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if( ( `getCount $selectionArray` ) == 2 ) { vector $source1 = $selectionArray[0].Translation; vector $source2 = $selectionArray[1].Translation; vector $position = ( $source2 - $source1 ); float $distance = `getLength $position `; print ( "The distance between " + ( string ($selectionArray[0]) ) + " and " + ( string ($selectionArray[1]) ) + " is " + ( string ( $distance ) ) + "mm ." ); } else { print "Must have exactly 2 nodes selected."; } $text = "Default scaling"; |