About Vicon Shogun documentationThe following documentation is available with Shogun, both as help pages available online and as PDFs that you can download from docs help.vicon.com: 30%, 70% Document | Description |
What'sNewin Vicon Shogun | Describes new features in the latest release. | Installing and licensing Vicon Shogun | Installation and licensing instructions. | Getting started with Vicon Shogun | Basic information on an end-to-end workflow for capturing data with Vicon Shogun Live and processing and exporting it with Vicon Shogun Post. | Getting more from Vicon Shogun | More advanced information to help you to take your use of Shogun further, for example, to add your own customizations, or to automate capture. | HSL scripting with Vicon Shogun | HSL scripting guidelines and commands. | Python scripting with Vicon Shogun | Basic information on using Python with Shogun. | Getting started with Vicon Retarget | Basic information on using Vicon's retargeting application. | For more documentation related to Shogun and other Vicon documents, visit docs help.vicon.com. |