Name | Flag arguments | Argument type | Exclusive to | Comments |
track | 1 | string | — | Set the object tracking type. Valid types are "none", "all", "selected", "primary", "objects", and "cycle". See Description section for meaning of each type. |
showAllClips | 1 | boolean | — | Show all clips or just the active clip in the current view. Objects of inactive clips will display in their clip color rather than the objects' own color. |
floor | 1 | boolean | — | Turn floor grid display on/off |
axis | 1 | boolean | — | Turns the world axis indicator in the bottom left of the 3D View on and off |
zUp | 1 | boolean | — | Set Shogun Post to operate in Z-Up mode (Y-Up if turned off). |
pointSize | 1 | float | — | Set marker display size in pixels. |
snapSelected | 0 | — | — | Snap view to center of selected items. |
snapPrimary | 0 | — | — | Snap view to center of primary selected item. |
connectLines | 1 | boolean | — | Turn display of marker connectivity on/off. |
resetLines | 0 | — | — | Clears marker connecting lines on selected markers. |
resetCamera | 0 | — | — | Resets the cameras view to it's default state. |
switchCamera | 1 | string | — | To switch from one camera to another, default switch to the "view" switch to the default view camera. |
levelCamera | 0 | — | — | Removes any roll from the camera. |
trails | 1 | boolean | — | Displays a 3D representation of marker trajectories. Turns -pastTrails and -futureTrails on and off. |
pastTrails | 1 | integer | — | Number of frames to display for past trails. |
futureTrails | 1 | integer | — | Number of frames to display for future trails.
| 0 | — | — | Specifies that other flags operate on all 3D views rather than just the active 3D view |
inactiveErrorLines | 1 | boolean | — | By default, error lines will not be drawn for inactive clips, unless this flag is enabled. |
gapDim | 1 | integer | — | Takes an integer argument between 0 and 100, specifying percentage a marker should be dimmed (made transparent) if it is on a gap. |
keyMode | 1 | boolean | — | Mode where the keys on trails are selectable and editable from within the 3D View. |
gapConnections | 1 | boolean | — | Controls whether marker connecting lines are drawn between markers that are on a gap. |
useClipColor | 1 | boolean | — | Specifies that objects in the active clip draw in the color of the active clip rather than their own object color. |
halo | 1 | boolean | — | Specifies that a "halo" be drawn around the currently selected "label" in the Labeling window. |
gridSize | 1 | float | — | Specifies the number of meters squared that are displayed in the 3D View, for example, if gridSize = 10, the resulting grid would be 10m x 10m. |
gridSizeX | 1 | float | — | Specifies the X extent from the origin (in meters) of the grid that is displayed in the 3D view. |
gridSizeZ | 1 | float | — | Specifies the Y or Z extent from the origin (in meters) of the grid that is displayed in the 3D view. |
gridSpacing | 1 | float | — | Specifies the spacing (in meters) between the lines of the grid that is displayed in the 3D view. |
displayText | 1 | boolean | — | Specifies whether the "Heads Up Display" text be rendered onto the 3D view. |
gapSelect | 1 | boolean | — | Specifies whether Markers can be selected from within the in the 3D view if they are on a gap. |
lock | 1 | boolean | — | Turns off the 3D View. Useful if you want to prevent the 3D view from drawing to boost real time processing power. |
contributionMode | 1 | boolean | — | Specifies that Markers/Trajectories should draw rays to the selected OpticalCameras that were used in creating them. |