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// Use the top-level Form to lay out User Controls. |
int $windowId; |
int $controlId; |
int $formId; |
// First create a User Window to place the Control on |
$windowId = `createWindow "MyWindow"`; |
// Get the top-level form ID |
$formId = `getTopLevelForm $windowId`; |
// Create a Text Box Control in the window. Add it to the |
// top-level form we just got |
$controlId = `createTextBox $windowId -form $formId`; |
// Attach the text controls sides to the top level form, |
// so that it stretches across the top of the Window |
setControlAnchor $controlId "left" "left" 5; |
setControlAnchor $controlId "right" "right" 5; |
setControlAnchor $controlId "top" "top" 5; |
// Issue the call to lay out the top level form. We only |
// need to do this once |
layoutForm $formId; |
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