Scroll tablelayout | |||||||||||||||
Scroll tablelayout | |||||||||||||||
Returns the "token" found with "string", or an empty string if the end of the string is reached.
Scroll pagebreak |
Code Block | ||
| ||
// Demonstrate string tokenization. |
string $str = "This is some text"; |
string $filepath = "c:/Program Files/ShogunPost#.#/SampleFiles/Day1/Test.hdf"; |
string $token; |
// Tokenize the first string. Start off by "seeding" the strTok command with str. |
// It will return the first token if one was found. |
$token = `strTok $str`; |
// Keep tokenizing until we have no more tokens |
while( `strLength $token` != 0 ) |
{ |
// Print out our token |
print $token; |
// Get the next token. Don't pass in $str, as we only need to seed it |
// in the beginning |
$token = `strTok`; |
} |
// Now tokenize the file path. Tokenize it by folders, so use / as a delimiter |
$token = `strTok $filepath -delims "/"`; |
while( `strLength $token` != 0 ) |
{ |
// Print out our token |
print $token; |
// Get the next token. don't pass in $filepath, as we only need to seed |
// it in the beginning |
$token = `strTok -delims "/"`; |
} |
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