Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Press F7 or from the Window menu, select Options. The Options dialog box is displayed.
  2. In the Options list on the left, select or clear the relevant check box(es), depending on the functionality you require.
  3. To view or change the settings for an option, click on the option to select it. The properties for that option are displayed in the Properties section.


    (tick) To see any available additional settings, click Show Advanced. To show basic settings only, click Hide Advanced.

  4. In the Properties section, change the settings for the properties, as needed.
  5. To save the changes you have made in the Options dialog box, in the configuration management area, click the save button:

    Image Modified

    The Save As window is displayed.
  6. Enter a name for the configuration and click OK.


    (tick) Tip: : To indicate that you have made changes to a configuration but the changes have not yet been saved, an asterisk * is displayed after the configuration name in the configuration management list.