- Aim your Vicon cameras to capture the required volume.
- Calibrate the cameras in Tracker (see Calibrate Vicon cameras).
- Set your origin pointing forwards by positioning the T of the wand with the flat part (the top of the T) facing towards the front of the capture volume.
- When you have a calibrated system, create an object in Tracker from the wand markers. To do this:
In the Resources pane, click the Objects tab and ensure that in the Object Tracking Mode section at the bottom of the tab, Track mode is not selected. This enables you to see unlabeled reconstructions in the 3D Perspective view pane.
Viewing unlabeled reconstructions requires additional processing, so for lowest output latency, when you have finished creating objects, click the Track button to change to Track mode. When Track mode is selected, the Track button is green.
- In the 3D Perspective view pane, ALT+click and drag to select the markers.
- In the Resources pane, click the Objects tab and in the Create Object box, type Wand and then click Create .
- Adjust the wand's origin so it is on the center marker on the cross of the T.
- With your subject looking straight ahead, create an object from the head markers and give it a suitable name, such as Head. (You can give it any suitable name, but ensure you use the same name in the following steps.)
- On the System tab, right-click Devices, point to Add Digital Device, and then click Add Dikablis Eye Tracker.
- Select Dikablis Eye Tracker and in the Properties pane, enter the values:
- Name: Eye
- Head Object: Head
- IP Address: (or the address of the PC running the Dikabilis software if different from
- Calibration Object: Wand
- Make sure the Eye Tracker remains selected on the System tab, change the view pane to Graph view and in the Components list, select Components.
Two graphs are shown: X and Y, representing the 2D coordinates for the eye's gaze. The values are pixel values from the eyecamera. - Check that the eye's gaze is accurately represented by the X and Y values. To do this:
Get your subject to look left. The X value decreases.
To see all the data, you may need to click the Scale the graph to fit the horizontal and vertical ranges of data button at the top of the Graph view pane.
- Get your subject to look right. The X value increases.
- Get your subject to look up. The Y value increases.
- Get your subject to look down. The Y value decreases.
Tip: : The X values should not go above 640 or below 0. The Y values should not go above 480 or below 0.
- Specify the eye offsets.
On the System Resources pane, click the Configuration menu button and select Save As.
- Enter the name DikablisTest.
- When prompted, select Shared or Private.