- Valkyrie cameras are connected to an Ethernet switch (usually PoE++), with cables of a minimum type of Category 6 (Cat 6).
- Vicon-supplied Ethernet cable for Valkyrie cameras are equipped with an IP65 cable cap and seal, which, when correctly fitted to each camera, ensure that the connection is IP65-rated.
If you use Cat 6 Ethernet cable that is not supplied by Vicon, to achieve IP65 protection for your Valkyrie cameras, you must fit an IP65 cable cap and seal (obtained from Vicon) to the cable and correctly fit the cable to the Ethernet port on the camera.
For instructions, see
'Add IP65 protection to Ethernet cable
'Remove and replace IP65 cable cap
'in the Vicon Valkyrie Quick Start Guide.
Important: Cat 6 cables must only be UK/EU (LSOH or LSZH) or US (Premium or CMP).
- Other Vicon network cables with RJ45 connectors (eg, Lock to switch) are Cat 6 (minimum) cable type, without an IP65 cable cap.