Info |
Note When you have finished setting up your system, you can save your current settings by clicking System Settings , to the right of the top menu bar, and then selecting Manage and clicking the Save button. The next time you need to reload your settings, you can select the saved configuration by clicking the relevant option on the System Settings menu. See also Auto save in the Vicon Evoke Reference Guide. |
- Valkyrie VK16 and VK26 cameras support Video Preview mode from 30–900Hz. At frame rates above a Valkyrie camera's full frame rate (see Compare Range towards the bottom of the Vicon Valkyrie web page ), Video Preview mode uses windowing to display the same field of view as optical mode.
- Valkyrie VK8 cameras support Video Preview mode from 30–300Hz at a reduced resolution of 3232 x 2176.
- Vantage Vero and Viper cameras support Video Preview mode from 30–60Hz. At frame rates above this, an image may be displayed but this has not been tested.Vantage, Vero and Viper cameras do not use windowing in Video Preview mode.