Property | Description |
Calibration File | The force plate calibration file Nexus is to use. This file describes the forces plate's properties, such as its physical dimensions, output voltages, and crosstalk coefficients between each analog output. Nexus automatically displays some of these values as the default settings in the relevant properties for the force plates (for example, X Length, Y Length and Calibration Matrix). Use the Browse for a folder button to navigate to the folder containing the calibration file supplied by the force plates manufacturer. Then use the drop-down list button to select the desired file. Default: Blank |
Calibration Matrix | Displays the size of the calibration matrix (e.g., 6x6 Matrix). Click the Edit Text button to display the Calibration Matrix dialog box, which shows the values supplied by the force plate manufacturer. If you do not have a calibration file for your force plate, contact the manufacturer for a replacement file or refer to the calibration information supplied in your force plate documentation. You can manually edit the values for each channel scale. If you manually enter the values, ensure that you use the correct input values to transform the voltages captured by the Vicon connectivity device's analog card to forces and moments. The sensitivity values you must specify depend upon the type of force plate as shown in Calibration matrix values. Default: Identified from calibration file specified in the Calibration File property |
Zero Level | Resets the force plate voltage zero level. This process eliminates any significant offset between the force plate's nominal output levels at rest and its theoretical zero level. Use this function if after setting the force plates to the electrical zero level, small differences remain between the theoretical zero level and the observed output level. Click the Edit Text button to display the Zero Level matrix in which you can enter the required value to calibrate the force plate. Then click Apply, then click Close. |
Correction Factor | The factor by which Nexus is to convert the values supplied from a force plate into the values it requires. Correction factor corresponds to a force plate's amplifier setting and is used along with the calibration matrix to convert raw Volts to Newtons. For an AMTI OR6 Series force plate:
Force Threshold (N) | The threshold (in Newtons) identifying the noise floor value for calculated forces. Forces that do not exceed this magnitude are assumed to be too noisy and are clamped to zero. Values can be set between 0-50. This value is not affected by the value for Force Threshold that is set in the Options dialog box (see Visualize and record Force Threshold) in the Vicon Nexus User Guide. Default: 25 |