This guide contains instructions for using Vicon Nexus. It explains configuring your Vicon system within Nexus and the basic tasks that make up the everyday Nexus workflow. It assumes you have already installed and licensed Nexus and set up your Vicon system hardware. If you need information about these procedures, see Installing and licensing Vicon Nexus and/or the Vicon documentation that was supplied with your hardware.
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For help with how to connect up your Vicon system, see .
Videos of many of the procedures described in this guide, including additional tips and examples, are available from the Nexus 2 How To playlist and the Vicon Nexus 2 Tutorials playlist on YouTube, beginning with system calibration.
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Note As the videos were recorded using an earlier version of Nexus 2, you may notice small differences in the user interface.
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About Vicon Nexus documentation
The following documentation is available for Nexus from
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What’s New in Vicon Nexus
Information about the main features that are new in the current version of Nexus.
Vicon Nexus Quick Start Guide for Blue Trident
Introductory information on connecting and using Vicon Blue Trident (IMU) sensors with Nexus (print/PDF only).
Installing and licensing Vicon Nexus
Step-by-step instructions for installing and licensing Nexus.
Vicon Nexus User Guide (this guide)
Information about how to use Nexus.
Vicon Nexus Reference Guide
Reference information about less frequently used or more complex procedures, background information to provide you with a better understanding of Nexus, and further details about the Nexus user interface.
FLIR Video Cameras Setup Guide
Guidance on how to set up the cameras and other hardware needed to include FLIR video cameras in your Nexus system.
Creating labeling skeleton templates (VSTs)
Instructions on how to create your own custom labeling skeleton templates for use with Nexus.