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NameFlag argumentsArgument typeComments
environmentalDriftTolerance1floatAn uncertainty applied (in mm) to camera calibration to tolerate drift in the calibration after calibration due to environmental factors such as temperature change.
minCamsToStartTrajectory1integerSpecifies the minimum number of cameras needed to start a trajectory. Valid values range from 2 to the number of cameras on your system. The default value is 2.
minCamsToContinueTraj1integerMinimum number of cameras needed to continue a trajectory.
reconMinSeparation1floatThe distance (in mm) between the centers of the reconstructions must be greater then this number to be considered valid reconstructions.
minCentroidRadius1floatFilters out centroids smaller than the minimum radius (in pixels). The default is 0.0 pixels.
maxCentroidRadius1floatFilters out centroids larger than the maximum radius (in pixels). The default is 50.0 pixels.
minReconstructionRadius1floatReconstructions with a radius less than the minimum reconstruction radius (in mm) are discarded by the reconstructor. The default is 0.0 mm.
maxReconstructionRadius1floatReconstructions with a radius greater than the maximum reconstruction radius (in mm) are discarded by the reconstructor. The default is 1000.0 mm.
computeRadius1booleanSpecifies if the marker radius should be computed and stored on the radius channel
computeRays 1booleanSpecifies if the ray contributions should be computed and stored.
fitMethod1stringSpecifies the fit method used to create trajectories. Options are "2D Tracks",or "3D Predictions".
predMatchFactor1floatWhen using the 3D Predictions Trajectory Fitting method, specifies the degree to which a reconstructed point position should be influenced by its predicted location. Can help with smoothing trajectory and minimizing jitter.
minTrajLength1integerSpecifies the minimum length a trajectory must have (in frames) to be considered valid.
pack1booleanSpecifies if trajectories should reuse existing markers when created.
startupError1floatSpecifies the amount of allowable trajectory fitting error (in mm/s) when fitting starts. The default is 150.0 mm/s.
predictionError1floatSpecifies allowable amount of prediction error (in mm/s) when trajectory fitting. The default is 150.0 mm/s.
Specifies one corner of a cube that represents the volume size. Trajectories outside the volume will not be created.
maxVolume1vectorSpecifies one corner of a cube that represents the volume size. Trajectories outside the volume will not be created.
numThreads1integerSpecifies the number of threads used by the reconstructor. To enable auto selection based on CPU core count, set value to 0.
reset0Resets the options to their default values.

Return value

void void

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Code Block
// Set the reconstruction volume size to a 10x10 meter space with a 


// high of 4 meters assuming a Y up volume.


reconstructOptions -minVolume <<-500, 0, -500>>;


reconstructOptions -maxVolume <<500, 400, 500>>;

Additional information

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