Specifies the command logging file. The command log file is where all Shogun all Shogun Post command feedback gets saved.
Scroll tablelayout |
sortDirection | ASC |
repeatTableHeaders | default | style |
widths | 10%, 12%, 13%, 65% |
style | |
sortByColumn | 1 |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true |
Name | Type | Required | Comments |
path | string | no | The full path to the log file. If you do not specify this, the command log will default to being CommandLog.log in the Logs folder in your Shogun yourShogun Post directory. |
Scroll tablelayout |
sortDirection | ASC |
repeatTableHeaders | default | style |
widths | 16%, 15%, 14%, 13%, 42% |
style | |
sortByColumn | 1 |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true |
Name | Flag arguments | Argument type | Exclusive to | Comments |
noFeedback | 0 | — | — | Prevents the new log path from being echoed to the command log. |
autoName | 0 | — | — | Automatically names the log based on the current time and the computer name that Shogun thatShogun Post is running on. Useful when setting up your own farming system and want to identify a command log with a machine and a script execution. |
Return value
Code Block |
// Automatically set the log file, which will be put |
// in the Shogun Post app folder, under the Logs folder. |
// Set it to something very specific |
setLogFile "c:/mylogfile.log"; |
Additional information
Related commands