To access this dialog box, from the Settings menu select Preferences or press Shift+P.
For information on the two sections in the Preferences dialog box, see:
- User Preferences
- System Preferences
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To configure settings in the Preferences dialog box:
- Press Shift+P or from the Settings menu, select Preferences. The Preferences dialog box is displayed.
To view or change the settings for an option, click on the option to select it.
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: To see any available additional settings, click Show Advanced. To show basic settings only, click Hide Advanced.
- Change the settings for each property, as needed.
- Close the dialog box to implement the changes.
Changes made to preferences are tied primarily to your login and are automatically saved to the C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Tracker4.x\<userName> folder.
Some preferences may also be found in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Tracker4.x.
All preferences files are updated when you successfully close the Preferences dialog box.
For detailed descriptions of all the settings in this dialog box, see see Preferences options.
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At the top of the User Preferences section, in the Folders section, you can specify the location for calibration objects, objects and prop meshes. The default locations are:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\CalibrationObjects, or ...\Objects, or ...\PropMeshes.
- General: Settings that control the functionality of certain keyboard and mouse actions as well as helping to manage autosave and disk-writing behavior
- System Heath: Options that allow you to control the visibility of system health related icons in the app
- Update Notification: Options concerning firmware notifications
- Objects: Options relating to object evaluation
- Connections: Options related to streaming data from Tracker
- Channel Cache: A text box that enables you to define the cache memory limit (MB)
- Graph Plots: Options relating to colors, rotation unwrapping, and showing an overlay to indicate the mouse origin and target