For information on using the Quality tab, see Assess trial health with the data Quality pane in the Vicon Nexus User Guide.
The Theia tab in the Communications pane enables you to access the Theia Batch Interface. From here you can process Nexus video data from within Theia3D, without having to launch Theia3D and manually process the data.
The Theia Batch Interface on the left enables you to select the required video files and process themto process and to run Theia processing on all the files in the specified session folder. The files are processed through Theia3D, resulting in the output of C3D file(s) that contain rotation data for each subject.
You can then run Nexus pipeline operations to merge the rotations into your Nexus subject and to calculate the joint angles, all without leaving Nexus.
Tip |
Tip Unlike the Theia pipeline operation, which loads each trial into Nexus, when you use the Theia Batch Interface, you can process your optical data at the same time in Nexus while Theia runs and processes the video data in the background. |
The Theia tab contains the following areas:
For more information, see Run Theia processing on video files in the Vicon Nexus User Guide.
Python tab
The Python tab in the Communications pane enables you to set the path to your Python installation, and run Python scripts. For more information, see Modeling with Python.
Matlab tab
The Matlab tab in the Communications pane enables you to run MATLAB scripts and launch MATLAB. For more information, see Modeling with MATLAB.
Monitors tab
The Monitors tab enables you to configure monitors that you create in the Graph view pane to detect motion capture events.
For information on creating and using monitors and detailed descriptions of the options, see Using monitors.
The Monitors tab contains the following areas:
Monitors configuration management area
You manage monitor configurations in the Monitors tab using the configuration management section at the top of the pane.
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Monitors area
The Monitors area enables you to define the monitor behavior. It contains the following components:
Actions area
The Actions section of the Monitors tab enables you to view or modify monitor action settings. It contains the following components:
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IMeasureU tab
The IMeasureU tab enables you to work with data recorded from Vicon IMUs (Inertial Measurement Units).
After you have finished capturing data and have plugged the IMUs into the PC, you use the IMeasureU tab to work with and transfer the data from the IMUs to the Nexus Session folder.
For information on working with IMUs and Nexus, see Work with Vicon IMUs in the Vicon Nexus User Guide .
The IMeasure U tab contains the following areas:
The Transfer pane of the IMeasureU tab lets you transfer data captured with Vicon IMUs to the current Session folder in Nexus. Its buttons and lists enable you to filter the displayed items so that you transfer only the items that are required. It contains these components:
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Component | Description |
Folder field | Enter or browse to the full path of the video trials that you want to process in Theia. Note that when you exit and relaunch Nexus, the path is remembered. |
Theia executable field | Enter or browse to the full path for the Theia3D.exe file, for example, C:\Program Files\Theia\Theia3D. Note that when you exit and relaunch Nexus, the path is remembered. If Theia closes, Nexus tries to relaunch Theia for a single retry for a trial. If the trial won't open, it moves on to the next trial. If you want to stop Theia launching, click Cancel processing. |
Theia preferences field | If you want to use the preferences that you use in Theia, enter the full path to the required Theia prefererences file. This must be exported from Theia and saved as a PXT file on the local machine. |
Create folder hierarchy check box | If you want a folder hierarchy to be created, using the trial video files, ensure that this check box is selected. Unless you have a specific reason to save your files elsewhere, leave this option selected. |
Process trials in folder button | Click to process the files specified in the Folder field. |
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In this area on the right of the Theia tab, the results of processing the specified files are displayed. Details include the time and the current status of the processed files. When processing is finished, the right side of the Theia tab displays the text 'Batch Processing: Finished.'
Python tab
The Python tab in the Communications pane enables you to set the path to your Python installation, and run Python scripts. For more information, see Modeling with Python.
Matlab tab
The Matlab tab in the Communications pane enables you to run MATLAB scripts and launch MATLAB. For more information, see Modeling with MATLAB.
Monitors tab
The Monitors tab enables you to configure monitors that you create in the Graph view pane to detect motion capture events.
For information on creating and using monitors and detailed descriptions of the options, see Using monitors.
The Monitors tab contains the following areas:
Monitors configuration management area
You manage monitor configurations in the Monitors tab using the configuration management section at the top of the pane.
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Monitors area
The Monitors area enables you to define the monitor behavior. It contains the following components:
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Component | Description |
Monitors list | Lists the currently defined monitors. Select the check box next to a monitor name to enable the monitor, or clear the check box to deactivate the monitor. Select a monitor in the list to view or configure its properties. |
AND button | When multiple monitors are selected from the list, this button adds a Boolean AND monitor that triggers an action when all of the monitor trigger conditions are present. |
OR button | When multiple monitors are selected from the list, this button adds a Boolean OR monitor that triggers an action when at least one of the monitor conditions is present. |
Remove button | Removes the selected monitor from the list. |
Clear button | Removes all monitors from the list. |
Actions area
The Actions section of the Monitors tab enables you to view or modify monitor action settings. It contains the following components:
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OptionComponent | Description |
Select All | Selects all of the items in the filtered sensor item list. |
Select None | De-selects all of the items in the filtered sensor item list. |
Transfer Status | Choose from one of:
Connection Status | Choose from one of:
Session | Choose from one of:
To clear currently selected sessions, choose Clear Selected. |
Erase Selected Devices | Erases all data from the selected devices. Successfully cleared trials are removed from the list. |
Sync trials with sensor | Removes from the transfer list data that cannot be found on the selected IMU sensor(s). (Advanced option) |
Rebuild Transfer List | Adds trials to the transfer list from selected IMU sensor(s), if possible. (Advanced option) |
Transfer Files button | Transfers selected trials from connected IMUs to the current Session folder in Nexus. |
Cancel Transfer button | Cancels the current transfer operation. |
Note that:
- If you have filtered an item from the list, it is automatically de-selected. This is to prevent accidental transfer of items that are not displayed in the list.
- Select All and Select None operate on all items that are visible in the list: an item must be visible in the list for its selection status to be updated.
- The top level sensor item is never filtered out of the list.
Scroll pagebreak - The filtering is dynamic and the list refreshes when:
- Sensors are connected or disconnected
- Trials are captured
- Sensors are erased
For information on using the controls in the Alignment pane, see Align IMU data with the Vicon world in the Vicon Nexus User Guide.
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Theia tab
The Theia tab enables you to process Nexus video data from within Theia3D, without having to launch Theia3D and manually process the data.
The Theia Batch Interface on the left enables you to select the required video files to process and to run Theia processing on all the files in the specified session folder. The files are processed through Theia3D, resulting in the output of C3D file(s) that contain rotation data for each subject. You can then run Nexus pipeline operations to merge the rotations into your Nexus subject and to calculate the joint angles, all without leaving Nexus.
The Theia tab contains the following areas:
For more information, see Run Theia processing on video files in the Vicon Nexus User Guide.
In this area on the right of the Theia tab, the results of processing the specified files are displayed. Details include the time and the current status of the processed files. When processing is finished, the right side of the Theia tab displays the text 'Batch Processing: Finished.'
Actions list | Actions that you add will execute when the monitor threshold and trigger conditions are met. |
Add button | Click to add the selected action to the Actions list. Select from: Capture, External trigger, Timebar Event, Progress Bar, Range Overlay, Sound Tone, Toggle Monitor and Play Sound File. |
Remove button | Click to remove the selected action from the Actions list. |
Clear button | Clears all actions from the Actions list. |
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IMeasureU tab
The IMeasureU tab enables you to work with data recorded from Vicon IMUs (Inertial Measurement Units).
After you have finished capturing data and have plugged the IMUs into the PC, you use the IMeasureU tab to work with and transfer the data from the IMUs to the Nexus Session folder.
For information on working with IMUs and Nexus, see Work with Vicon IMUs in the Vicon Nexus User Guide .
The IMeasure U tab contains the following areas:
Transfer pane
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The Transfer pane of the IMeasureU tab lets you transfer data captured with Vicon IMUs to the current Session folder in Nexus. Its buttons and lists enable you to filter the displayed items so that you transfer only the items that are required. It contains these components:
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Option | Description |
Select All | Selects all of the items in the filtered sensor item list. |
Select None | De-selects all of the items in the filtered sensor item list. |
Transfer Status | Choose from one of:
Connection Status | Choose from one of:
Session | Choose from one of:
To clear currently selected sessions, choose Clear Selected. |
Erase Selected Devices | Erases all data from the selected devices. Successfully cleared trials are removed from the list. |
Sync trials with sensor | Removes from the transfer list data that cannot be found on the selected IMU sensor(s). (Advanced option) |
Rebuild Transfer List | Adds trials to the transfer list from selected IMU sensor(s), if possible. (Advanced option) |
Transfer Files button | Transfers selected trials from connected IMUs to the current Session folder in Nexus. |
Cancel Transfer button | Cancels the current transfer operation. |
Note that:
- If you have filtered an item from the list, it is automatically de-selected. This is to prevent accidental transfer of items that are not displayed in the list.
- Select All and Select None operate on all items that are visible in the list: an item must be visible in the list for its selection status to be updated.
- The top level sensor item is never filtered out of the list.
Scroll pagebreak - The filtering is dynamic and the list refreshes when:
- Sensors are connected or disconnected
- Trials are captured
- Sensors are erased
Alignment pane
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For information on using the controls in the Alignment pane, see Align IMU data with the Vicon world in the Vicon Nexus User Guide.
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- Status Summary
View a visual summary of the status of system components in the Status Summary section of the Status communications pane:- Vicon Cameras
View the status of Vicon cameras. - Video Cameras
View the status of digital video cameras. - Connectivity
View the status of Vicon connectivity units. - Capture
View the status of capture sessions in Nexus.
Tip: The background in each summary corresponds to the icon displayed for the devices in the System Resources pane. The color of a summary border reflects the status for the set of components:
- Green: All components OK
- Yellow: One or more components are on standby
- Red: One or more components are down
- Vicon Cameras
- Status Details
View details of the status of a system component in the Status Details section of the Status tab. The contents of this section depend on the component you click on in the Status Summary section.
You are alerted to important errors by popup notifications that are briefly displayed at the bottom right of the Nexus window.
If you are using the default sounds supplied with Nexus and have audio enabled, a relevant sound clip is also played.