- In the Camera view toolbar, from the View drop-down list select Combined to view Vicon optical data overlaid onto images from a digital video camera.
- In the Options dialog box (F7), select the desired options to configure the visualization of data to suit your needs (for example, you may want only the force vector to appear on the 3D overlay).
- At the top of the Options dialog box, click the Save button to save the configuration you just created. The configuration is saved as an .options file in the appropriate Nexus Options folder.
- In the Pipeline Tools pane, create a File Export pipeline that includes the Export 3D Overlay Video operation. (For a reminder of how to create a pipeline, see Create a pipeline.)
- In the Current Pipeline operations list, click on the operation, then in the Properties section at the bottom of the Pipeline Tools pane, view or change settings for the desired properties:
- From the View Options Set list, which is displayed in alphabetical order, select the name of the .options file you created in step 3.
- If you want to restrict the output to only one or more of the connected video cameras, ensure the required cameras are selected and in the Cameras list choose Selected Video Cameras.
- Select an option from the File Output list. (The default is h.264 MP4).
- Depending on whether quality or file size is the most important criterion for your requirements, select the most appropriate option from the h.264 Compression list.
- If the trial is cropped, select the appropriate range of frames to export. If you do not do this, the exported video will be of the whole trial, but will be static in the cropped frames.
Run the pipeline either on an individual trial in the Pipeline Tools pane or on multiple files using the Batch Processing Interface (click Show File Transfer/Batch Processing interface
and then the Batch Processing button on the Data Management tab).