Control | Description |
Low Jitter Mode | Sets all cameras to pass grayscale data, allowing jitter reduction algorithms to work. For large systems this may cause system instability, due to network overload. |
Thread Count | Specify the number of threads to use. If zero (the default), the thread count is automatically calculated. Default: 0 |
Enable Constant Velocity Tracker | When selected, tracking for fast-moving objects is improved. However, it requires more computation so increases latency and decreases throughput. Default: Enabled |
Reprojection Threshold | This threshold (in pixels) is used when forming correspondences between centroids and model points. If the camera calibration has drifted and correspondences are being missed then this value can be increased. This value is only used when Auto Bias Handling is disabled. |
Entrance Threshold | The minimum proportion of markers that must be visible to the system before the object is booted. If it is less than this value, the object is not booted. You can override this value for selected objects by using Object Presets (see Create an object preset). It is important to note:
Maximum Boot Iteration Count | The maximum number of iterations allowed for the booting algorithm. Increasing this parameter improves booting quality, but has a small performance cost. Default: 100 |
Minimum Object Marker Separation | The minimum distance allowed (in mm) between marker positions in order for them to be tracked separately. Default: 10 |
Boot Recon. Min. Cams | The minimum number of camera rays required to generate the reconstructions that are used for object booting. Default: 2 |
Control | Description |
Pause Buffer Size | The size (in seconds) of the output cache. For more information about the Pause Buffer, see Live Review. Default: 10.00 s |
DataStream Output section