Plug-in Gait lower body forces and moments
Plug-in Gait lower body forces and moments
The forces calculated by Plug-in Gait and displayed by Vicon Polygon are in the local co-ordinate frame of the distal segment in the hierarchical kinetic chain.
This means that the Ankle joint forces are recorded in the Foot segment axis system. Therefore:
- Ground Reaction force Z will look similar to Ankle Force X
- Ground Reaction Force Y will look similar to Ankle Force Z
- Ground Reaction Force X will look similar to Ankle Force Y
For the tibia this changes, as the axis orientation now changes:
- Z force is therefore compression or tension at the joint
- Y force is mediolateral forces at the joint
- X force is anteroposterior forces at the joint
The positive force acts in the positive direction of the axis in the distal segment on which it acts. A negative force acts in the negative direction along the axis.
In Plug-in Gait, we use an external moment and force description. That means that:
- For the Z axis, a negative force is compression and a positive force, tension
- For the Y axis, a positive force for the right side is medial and negative lateral
- For the X axis, a positive force is anterior and negative posterior
The following table lists all the lower body forces and moments with their positive and negative descriptors.
Description | Segment axes | Force or moment component | +ve descriptor | -ve descriptor |
Ankle Force X | Foot | Compression/Tension | Tension | Compression |
RAnkle Force Y | Right Foot | Medial/Lateral | Medial | Lateral |
Ankle Force Z | Foot | Anterior/Posterior | Anterior | Posterior |
Knee Force X | Tibia | Anterior/Posterior | Anterior | Posterior |
RKnee Force Y | Right Tibia | Medial/Lateral | Medial | Lateral |
LKnee Force Y | Left Tibia | Medial/Lateral | Lateral | Medial |
Knee Force Z | Tibia | Tension/Compression | Tension | Compression |
Hip Force X | Thigh | Anterior/Posterior | Anterior | Posterior |
RHip Force Y | Right Thigh | Medial/Lateral | Medial | Lateral |
LHip Force Y | Left Thigh | Medial/Lateral | Lateral | Medial |
Hip Force Z | Thigh | Tension/Compression | Tension | Compression |
Ankle Moment X | Foot | Dorsi/Plantar flexion | Dorsiflexion | Plantar flexion |
Ankle Moment Y | Foot | Abduction/Adduction | Adduction | Abduction |
Ankle Moment Z | Foot | Rotation | Internal | External |
Knee Moment X | Tibia | Flexion/Extension | Flexion | Extension |
Knee Moment Y | Tibia | Varus/Valgus | Varus | Valgus |
Knee Moment Z | Tibia | Rotation | Internal | External |
Hip Moment X | Thigh | Flexion/Extension | Flexion | Extension |
Hip Moment Y | Thigh | Abduction/Adduction | Adduction | Abduction |
Hip Moment Z | Thigh | Rotation | Internal | External |
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