The Nexus user interface enables you to access the tools you need quickly and easily. Within the primary panes (Resources, View, Tools, and Communications), you use the tabs and buttons to open secondary panes containing tools and options for specific parts of the motion capture workflow.
Resources pane: Manage the different components of your Vicon system, and the subjects whose motion is to be captured, on the System tab and the Subjects tab. See Manage system and subjects in the Resources pane.
View pane: Set up the way you want to visualize the capture data from one or more cameras (or supported third-party devices) either live in real time or offline, from a saved file. See Display data in the View pane.
Tools pane: Work through the main stages of the motion capture workflow, using the tabs in the Tools pane from left to right: System Preparation, Subject Preparation, Capture, Label/Edit and Pipeline (this last tab enables you to group and run operations that you use throughout the workflow). See Manage the motion capture workflow in the Tools pane.
Communications pane: Store and manage all data associated with your motion capture trials (Data Management tab: see Manage mocap data on the Data Management tab), assess trial health (Quality tab: see Review data quality), view stored processing history (History tab: see Review processing history), set up and control monitors for your trials (Monitor tab), use Vicon IMUs with Nexus (IMeasureU tab: see Work with IMUs), interact with MATLAB (Matlab tab: see Modeling with MATLAB), view system status information (Status tab), and view a log of Nexus system activity since start up (Log tab).
Menu bar: Access menu options. See Access menu options from the Nexus menu bar.
Toolbar: Access frequently used commands and create and select view types. See Access common commands from the Nexus toolbar.
You can use the mouse to manipulate items and manage the way data is visualized in Nexus, and you can combine standard mouse actions with keyboard keys. The following mouse and keyboard combinations are used most frequently in Nexus.
Navigate in the 3D Perspective view:
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Select objects in the view pane:
Display/hide a section within a pane:
Click the Display Section arrow on the right
Click the Hide Section arrow on the right
For lists summarizing more Nexus shortcuts and mouse actions, see Hot keys and shortcuts.
For more information on getting to know the Nexus user interface, see:
The Data Management tab of the Communications window enables you to create a hierarchical structure in which to store and manage all the data associated with your motion capture trials. For information on how to do this, see Prepare a data storage location.
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It also enables you to:
To manage Nexus system connection and real-time data-streaming, click the system connection buttons at the top of the Resources pane:
Go Live: Connect the system and start real-time data streaming. The button's label changes to Go Offline.
Go Offline: Disconnect the system and stop real-time data streaming. The button's label changes to Go Live.
Pause: Pause real-time data streaming. When you click the Pause button while the system is in Live mode, the button turns blue and a pause symbol is displayed in the view pane. When the system is in Offline mode, the button is unavailable.
At the top of the Resources pane, click the tab for the resources you want to manage:
In the System Resources tree or Subjects Resources tree, select the item(s) you want to configure.
Depending on whether you are in Live mode, you can then:
In the Properties pane below the Resources tree, view the settings for the item(s) selected in the tree. To view all of the available properties, click Show Advanced.
For more information, see Set properties in Vicon Nexus.
You can configure certain aspects of the Nexus system, such as system components and motion capture subjects, by configuring settings in the corresponding Properties section of the user interface.
Required properties for which you must specify a value are indicated in the Nexus user interface with a shaded background.
Some properties settings automatically persist, so Nexus remembers them in subsequent sessions. You must explicitly save other settings using the relevant configuration management controls for that area of the Nexus window.
To set properties in Nexus:
For more information on configuration files, see Manage configurations in Vicon Nexus.
At the left of the View pane toolbar, click the drop-down list and select one of the available views:
3D Orthogonal: Orthogonal views of 3D data: -Z, +Z, +X, -X, +Y, or -Y
At the right of the View pane toolbar, click the buttons to specify the number and arrangement of views displayed:
Depending on the view selected, additional lists and buttons are available to manage the display options.
![]() To display multiple Camera views, in the System Resources tree, SHIFT+click to select multiple cameras and in the View workspace, select Camera view. |
At the top of the Tools pane, click the buttons for tools relating to the stage in the workflow that you want to display. The buttons are displayed in the order of a typical Nexus workflow (from left to right) and are enabled appropriately, depending on whether you are in Live or Offline mode (the following image is in Live mode).
System Preparation: Prepare your Vicon system for motion capture.
Subject Preparation: Prepare subjects whose motion is to be captured.
Capture: Collect motion data.
Label/Edit: Label and fill any gaps in trial data.
Pipeline: Create and manage sequences of operations to process trials.
To find out more about the motion capture workflow, see Vicon Nexus motion capture workflow.
To explore the time bar:
On the Data Management tab at the bottom of the Nexus window, navigate to an existing database. You can do this by expanding the displayed hierarchy and using the Go forward to the next node, Go back to the last node, and Move up one folder level buttons .
On the time bar, click the Play button or drag the current time indicator (blue vertical line) to play back offline capture data. To crop a trial (restrict playback to a range of frames), you can drag the Start and End Range indicators (the blue triangles at the top of the timeline) along the time bar.
![]() In addition to using the time bar to view and navigate trials, you can also use it to: • View data quality as a heat map. For more information, see Review trial data using the time bar. • Create and manage events (for example, a foot striking a force plate, or a joint attaining a specified angle, etc). For more information, see Add events to trials. |
The Nexus menu bar enables you to access common commands.
Access frequently used commands from the Nexus motion capture workflow from the Nexus toolbar.
The Nexus toolbar contains buttons that enable you to save the current trial, close the current trial, and undo and redo actions. In addition it contains the following controls:
Reconstruct Runs the Reconstruct pipeline defined in the Pipeline Tools pane. (Reconstruction is the process by which Nexus calculates the position of markers in three-dimensional space and links these points frame-by-frame into a trajectory.) For examples of using this pipeline, see Calibrate a labeling skeleton.
Reconstruct and Label Runs the Reconstruct and Label pipeline defined in the Pipeline Tools pane. (The Label process is where labels defined in the labeling skeleton template for the subject are applied, either manually or automatically, to a point in the trajectory of a marker.) Normally used when processing trials. For an example of using this pipeline, see Reconstruct and label movement trials.
KinFit Runs the Kinematic Fit pipeline defined in the Pipeline Tools pane. This pipeline is often used before running a Fill Gaps - Kinematic operation for filling gaps in trajectories, and for visualizing or graphing segment- or joint-based data in realtime.
AutoInitialize Runs the Auto Initialize Labeling pipeline defined in the Pipeline Tools pane. Often used as part of calibrating a labeling skeleton For an example of using this pipeline, see Calibrate a labeling skeleton.
Auto Gap Fill Runs the Auto Intelligent Gap Fill pipeline defined in the Pipeline Tools pane. This enables you to quickly fill gaps in your trial, without having to choose which fill method is best for each gap. For good results, you must configure the relevant pipeline operations for your particular trials. For information on using this command, see Automatically fill gaps in trial data.
Add To Quick Report Adds the current trial to a Quick Report. For more information, see Quick Reports in the Vicon Nexus Reference Guide.
Any user-customized buttons If required, you can create your own additional buttons and configure them to run a specified pipeline or load a previously created view configuration. You can create or change toolbar buttons in the Customize Toolbar dialog box.
View Type list Lists any saved view types. The adjacent configuration buttons enable you to create
and save
custom view types.
Clicking a button on the toolbar executes the defined action for the button. A button is dimmed if it is not available, for example, if it cannot be run at that stage of the workflow or if a customized button has been deleted or renamed.
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You can determine how Nexus looks and behaves by creating and editing configurations in the configuration management controls in the Nexus window. To view and select any default configurations that were installed with Nexus, click the dropdown list in the relevant configuration management controls, for example, for View Types:
You can create different configurations to suit different types of motion capture applications and then select the appropriate configuration when required. You can also save configurations for use by multiple users (Shared) or for a specific user (Private), to suit your organization:
For more information, see Recognize Shared, Private, and System files.
Important The default Nexus toolbar is stored in the Standard.toolbar configuration file in the Shared Nexus configuration folder Toolbars. If you add, delete, or reposition buttons on the Nexus toolbar using the Customize Toolbar dialog box, these customizations are stored in your Private configuration folder. |
To manage configurations in Nexus:
Click the configuration menu button and select the required command from the displayed list:
Click the Save button to store the settings in the configuration displayed in the configuration dropdown list.
For more information, see Set properties in Vicon Nexus.
Nexus UI area | Configuration type | Configurations folder\file |
Capture Tools pane | Motion capture settings | TrialTypes\*.TrialTypes |
Biomechanics Workflow area of Communications pane | Biomechanics workflow | CaptureWorkflows\*.CaptureWorkflow |
Sounds dialog box | Sounds settings | AudioSchemes\*.AudioScheme |
Monitors tab in Communications pane | Event monitors and actions | Monitors\*.Monitors |
Options dialog box | Data view options | Options\*.Options |
Pipeline Tools pane | Automated processing operations | Pipelines\*.Pipeline |
System Resources pane | System settings | Systems\*.System |
Toolbar | Toolbar buttons | Toolbars\*.Toolbar (see Important note above) |
View pane | View options and layouts | ViewTypes\*.ViewType |
When pipelines, view types, monitors, labeling skeleton templates, and configurations are displayed in Nexus (ie, listed in menus, etc), you can immediately recognize whether they are Private, Shared, or System files:
Icon | File type | Description |
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Shared | Can be viewed by multiple users; can be changed only by the user who was logged on when the file was first created and saved. Shared files are stored in subfolders in: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Nexus2.x |
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Private | Can be viewed and changed only by the user who was logged on when the file was first created and saved. Private files are stored in subfolders in: C:\Users\<usrname>\AppData\Roaming\Vicon\Nexus2.x |
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System | Cannot be changed (Read-Only) and are upgraded when the next version of Nexus is installed. Stored in subfolders in the Nexus installation folder, whose default location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Vicon)\Nexus2.# or C:\Program Files\Vicon\Nexus2.# |
In addition to the usual resize and close window options, you can slide the Resources and Tools panes to either side of the Vicon Nexus window and or minimize the Communications pane, to give you a larger workspace area.
Requirement | Action | Button |
To hide the Resources and/or Tools panes | At the top of the Resources or Tools pane, click the UnPin button. |
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To hide the Communications pane | Double-click a tab within the Communications pane; or To hide the pane whenever you load a trial, on the Window menu, select the Close Communications Pane on Trial Load option. |
To reveal the Resources and/or Tools panes | Click the text at the top of the tab at the side of the Nexus window. |
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To reveal the Communications pane | Double-click a tab within the Communications pane; or To make the pane visible whenever you load a trial, on the Window menu, clear the Close Communications Pane on Trial Load option. |
To return a pane to being locked into place | At the top of the pane, click the Pin button. |
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To undock (float) and dock a pane | At the top of the (pinned) pane, click the Undock or Dock button. |
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The View pane cannot be undocked, repositioned, or resized in the Nexus window. However, you can open a separate floating view pane by selecting the New floating workspace command from the Window menu. This floating workspace can be repositioned and resized.
The width of the View pane is affected by resizing panes to the left and/or right of it. The height of the View pane is affected by resizing the panes below it.