Vicon Nexus 2.12 and later enables you to process Nexus video data from within Theia, without having to launch Theia and manually process the data.
You can either use the Theia Batch Interface to run Theia processing on all the video trials in a specified folder or use the supplied pipeline operation to run Theia processing on one or more selected video trials.
After you have run Theia processing on your trial data, you can use an additional supplied pipeline operation to combine it with your Nexus trial to add the rotation data from Theia3D to your Nexus trial. To calculate the joint angles, you can continue to use Nexus with Vicon ProCalc schemes or use ProCalc independently of Nexus. Alternatively, you can use pipeline operations that are supplied with Theia3D to generate the kinematics and kinetics, and use Visual3D to merge the rotation data and perform the data analysis.
Note Before you begin, in addition to upgrading to Nexus 2.12 or later, ensure you have installed Vicon ProCalc 1.5 or later and are using Theia3D 2020 6 1106 or later. |
Before you begin using the Theia functionality within Nexus, capture and transcode the required trials.
Encoder: MPEG-4
Mode: one pass - average bitrate
Bitrate (kbps): 1800
Maximum I frame interval: 10
Minimum I frame interval: 1
Nexus provides two options for running Theia processing on your video trials. The Theia Batch Interface enables you to process all the video trials in a specified session folder. If you want to process only one trial or a few trials, or add Theia processing to an existing pipeline, you may prefer to use the supplied Theia pipeline operation instead.
From the Nexus Communications pane, you can select the Theia tab to access the Theia Batch Interface. From here you can select the required video files and process them. The files are processed through Theia3D, resulting in the output of C3D file(s) that contain rotation data for each subject.
Tip |
To run Theia processing on all trials in a specified folder:
In the Communications pane, click the Theia tab, enter the paths in the fields shaded in pink, and set any other properties as required, for example, Theia preferences.
Folder: Enter or browse to the full path of the session folder containing the trials that you want to process in Theia. Theia will attempt to process all trials in this folder.
Note that when you exit and relaunch Nexus, the path is remembered.
When you have entered the required information, click Process trials in folder.
Nexus identifies the number of trials that are found in the folder and starts the process on the first trial, which launches Theia.
The right side of the Theia tab displays the progress of the processing and in the Theia window, a percentage progress bar is also displayed.
If Theia closes, Nexus relaunches Theia and retries once only to reopen the trial that it attempted to process. If the trial won't open, it moves on to the next trial.
If you want to stop Theia launching, click Cancel processing.
When processing is finished, the right side of the Theia tab displays the text 'Batch Processing: Finished.' and the Theia data is placed in a subfolder in the specified file path, if you selected Create folder hierarchy. The Theia data includes:
The Theia video format and calibration file
Theia-generated C3D files. For each video file, Theia generates two C3D files: filtered and non-filtered. (If necessary, you can change the filtering in Theia3D.)
If required, you can view the output rotations in the Subject tree, the 3D Perspective view, and in the Graph view.
You can now merge this rotation data, which will be used to calculate the joint information, back into the original Nexus trial (see Combine processed Theia data with a Nexus trial).
You can use the supplied pipeline operation to run Theia processing on a single video trial, or multiple trials marked in Data Management, resulting in the output of C3D file(s) that contain rotation data for each subject.
To process one or more selected video trials:
When processing is finished, the Theia data is placed in a subfolder in the specified file path, if you selected Create folder hierarchy. The Theia data includes:
The Theia video format and calibration file
Theia generated C3D files. For each video file, Theia generates two C3D files: filtered and non-filtered. (If necessary, you can change the filtering in Theia3D.)
If required, you can view the output rotations in the Subject tree, the 3D Perspective view and in the Graph view.
You can now merge this rotation data, which will be used to calculate the joint information, back into the original Nexus trial (see Combine processed Theia data with a Nexus trial).
When you have run Theia processing on your trial data, you can run a pipeline operation that merges the rotation data with your Nexus trial.
Note If your trials contain multiple subjects, the workflow is different from that for a single subject in that you cannot merge the Theia data into your Nexus trial using the Add Theia Data operation. |
To combine processed Theia data with a Nexus trial:
Theia C3D folder: The Standard Folder location is the default location for Theia data, which is within the folder structure created by the previous Theia processing. The folder structure consists of a folder named Theia, which is a child of the session folder that contains the trials, and within this folder, the subfolders, whose names are 'TrialName _c3d'.
If you didn't save the processed data to the standard location for Theia processing, change the Theia C3D Folder to the relevant location by clicking to the right of the Standard Folder field and then clearing the Macro box. You can then enter or browse to the folder location. Tip: Ensure the names of the files on which you want to run the Add Theia Data operation conform to the naming convention so that they begin with the trial name, followed by _subjectNumber.c3d or *_filt_subjectNumber.c3d, for example,
or walking_100_50_01_filt_0.c3d
After you have finished merging the rotations into your Nexus trial data, you can use Nexus to calculate the joint information (see Calculate joint angles).
The Run Theia ProCalc Scheme pipeline operation enables you to generate joint information (ProCalc angles) from combined Nexus-Theia trial data.
To calculate the joint angles: