You can set up the Evertz 5601MSC to provide reference and timecode to both the SDI camera and the Vicon system. The URSA Mini 4K always requires two cables to provide both timecode and sync. The Vicon system requires one cable that can carry both reference sync and timecode. Consequently, at least three connections on the timecode generator are used.

VistaLINK PRO software is used to control the timecode generator.

To set up the timecode generator:

  1. Check that the Evertz 5601MSC has a suitable HD or 3G SDI module. These modules are known as +HDTG and +3GTG by Evertz. To check that the correct module is selected:

  2. Set the frame rate for the timecode signal (LTC) for the URSA camera. This must be set to the base rate associated with the desired video standard on the camera. For example, for 59.94 Hz video standards, the timecode frame rate is 29.97 Hz.

  3. Set up the SDI reference signal for the camera. This must be the same as the video standard that is selected on the camera.

  4. Set up the timecode reference to the Vicon Lock unit. The connection to use depends on your Vicon Lock model:

Drop frame setting
Shogun Live supports 29.97 Hz timecode in drop-frame or non drop-frame mode. However, the drop-frame setting must be consistent between all three outputs on the timecode generator.