After you have set up a retarget (see Automatically set up a retarget), you may then need to set up another retarget for a similar set of skeletons. For example:
If the initial setup was entirely automated, you can repeat that automation for the new skeletons. If you needed to do some manual work to produce the initial setup, you can save time and effort by reusing the first setup for subsequent setups for the same type of skeleton. An example of re-using an existing setup would be if you set up a retarget for one actor/character pair, then want to reuse the sides, parts, and DoFs for another pair that has the same target skeleton, but a different actor skeleton.
In the following scenario, we want to use an existing retarget to set up another retarget for a game character that uses the same skeleton as the existing one, but differs in size, proportions, and mesh:
To set up a retarget from an existing setup:
Export the target skeleton properties and constraint setup from A1_G1, which can be reused for similar setups. To do this:
In the Subject Setup toolbar, select the downward arrow to the right of the Save button and select Save Sides, Parts, and DOFs Only.
We recommend that you give this a generic name like ShogunSolve_MyGameSkeleton_Properties, as it will store the sides, parts, and DoFs that are common to these game skeletons.
Select the downward arrow to the right of the Save button again and select Save Constraints Only.
Again, we recommend that you give this a generic name like ShogunSolve_MyGameSkeleton_Constraints as it will store the constraint setup you'll use as a starting point for any actor using this Shogun solve skeleton to any character using this skeleton.
Set up A2 to G2 using the files saved in the previous steps. To do this:
Click the downward arrow to the right of the Load button and select Load Sides, Parts, and DOFs Only.
Select the file exported from step 1a.
This sets the G2 skeleton to have the same sides, parts, and DOFs as G1.
Select the file exported from step 1a.
This sets the G2 skeleton to have the same constraints as G1.
At the bottom of the Constraints section, click the Update Offsets button.
This updates the constraint offsets based on the relationship between A2 and G2, which differs from A1 and G1.
Test the setup
On the Subject Setup panel toolbar, select Retarget Skeleton(s) over current frame to run retargeting at the current frame and ensure the result looks as expected.
If not, you may need to tweak the setup if there are differences in A2 or G2 that need to be accounted for.
Select the Retarget over play range button to run retargeting over the entire ROM and review the result.
Refine the setup as needed.
Save the A2 to G2 retarget setup. To do this:
Select Save to save the retarget setup.
The resulting VSR contains the G2 skeleton and constraint setup for retargeting from A2 to G2. You can load it into Live or other takes containing A2.