
This command is valid on machines which are acting as remote servers. remoteControl enables/disables/toggles the forwarding and execution of commands on a connected client.

Commands issued on the server subsequent to the remoteControl command will be executed on both the server and on the client.

Functional area

Remote control

Command syntax


remoteControl master


on/off/togglebooleanyesEnables/disables/toggles remote control



Return value



// This block of commands is to be executed on the machine that will
// be receiving commands. A Real Time Processor should be created and
// visible in the client Hierarchy view after the command is sent from the
// server via the remoteControl command forwarding mechanism.
client on;
// this block of commands is to be executed on the machine that will
// be sending commands. A Real Time Processor should be created and
// visible in the server Hierarchy view after the command is sent from the
// server via the remoteControl command forwarding mechanism.
server on;
remoteControl on;
create RealTimeProcessor RealTimeProcessor_1;

Additional information

Related commands