Set the interpolation type being used between keys.
By default, Shogun Post uses a Bezier curve to determine values between keys.
Data manipulators
setInterpType propertyName interpType [-onMod string] |
Name | Type | Required | Comments |
interpType | string | yes | Type of interpolation to be used. This applies to properties of type Float (Step, Linear, Bezier), Rotation (Step, Linear, Cubic, Bezier) and Vec3 (Step, Linear, Bezier). |
propertyName | string | yes | Channel property on which the interpolation type is being set. |
Name | Flag arguments | Argument type | Exclusive to | Comments |
onMod | 1 | string | — | This will apply to a single module at the path string location. Otherwise the change applies to all selected modules. |
select LFWT; setInterpType Translation Step; |