This command can be used to search within a text file for a specified string. It returns a Boolean value to indicate whether the search was successful or not.
It can be used for custom File I/O scripts.
This command can only be run on a file that is already open using fileOpen in Read mode. If the file has not been opened with readable flags then seekToString will fail.
Disk I/O
seekToString fileID "searchString" |
Name | Type | Required | Comments |
searchString | string | yes | String to search for |
fileID | int | yes | ID of file previously opened with fileOpen |
//set search string string $str = "zb"; int $fileID; boolean $StringExists; //open file for reading int $fileID = `fileOpen "C:/myfile.txt" "r"`; //search for string $StringExists = `seekToString $fileID $str`; //print true or false to log print $StringExists; //close file fileClose $fileID; |