In addition to the following information, see also the Vicon video: 5 - Shogun Live - System Health and Camera Fixing.
Vicon cameras with accelerometers (Vicon Vantage, Vero and Vue), provide a bump detection feature. On these cameras, the status indicators flash red when the camera is bumped and (on Vantage cameras only) the OLED display changes to indicate a bumped camera. In the Vicon Shogun Live System panel, icons are displayed to the right of the camera names to indicate a bump.
To prevent you from having to recalibrate the whole system after a camera has received a minor bump, when a calibrated subject (or prop, or wand) moves through the volume, cameras automatically detect whether further action is necessary:
As an additional check, in the System panel click the camera with the bumped icon to select it and in a Cameras view, zoom in on the markers. When a camera is bumped, red warning symbols are displayed, indicating the difference between where the system expects the markers to be, and where they actually are.
Shogun Live enables you to quickly correct a camera whose position has changed due to having been bumped or moved, using any labeled object in the volume – subject, prop, or wand, and the Recover Camera Position feature.
Important You can use Recover Camera Position to recover cameras that have been either bumped or moved. This process relies on having enough cameras within a calibrated system to act as a calibration anchor. For this reason, it is recommended that it is run on only a small proportion of the cameras in a system. A single camera or a small number of affected cameras can be recovered with good results. If a larger number of cameras is affected, perform a full camera calibration instead (see Calibrate cameras). |
The following procedure corrects a bumped optical camera (Vantage or Vero): for bumped video cameras, see Correct a bumped Vicon Vue video or SDI video camera.
Note that to correct a Vue camera, you need to use active markers, so ensure you have a Vicon Active Wand to use during the procedure.