To request a license, you start Shogun and supply the relevant details.

In addition to the procedure for accessing licensing described below, you can also manage licensing in the following ways:
  • After you have licensed Shogun, start Shogun and on the Help menu, click the About option and in the dialog box, click Licensing; or
  • To run the Vicon Automated Unified Licensing Tool (VAULT) independently of Shogun, click the Windows button, then on the START menu, click Vicon and then Vicon Product Licensing.

To request a license from Vicon Support:

  1. If you are using a SafeNet dongle to license your machine, insert the dongle.
  2. On the machine for which you want the license (either a networked license server or a standalone machine), start Shogun and at the left of the dialog box, click Request License.
  3. At the top of the Request a License dialog box, from the Product and Product Version menus, ensure Shogun and 1.x are selected.
  4. In the appropriate fields, type your name, email address and company name.
  5. In the Options area, select whether to request:
  6. For network/server based licenses only: if necessary, change the value for the Number of Seats.
  7. Leave the settings in the Machine area at their default values unless you are asked to change them by Vicon Support (for example, if you are using a dual-booting system or have had to reinstall Windows).
  8. Do one of the following: