Shogun Live enables you to replay takes as soon as you’ve captured them. MCP review enables you to review a take (.mcp file), update your notes on a take, or investigate technical issues, all without having to leave Live. When you’ve finished reviewing the take, you can immediately resume capturing.
To review takes in Live:
On the Capture panel, in the Review section, click the required row.
Note Shogun Live is eitherin capture mode (ie live) or in review mode for a single take. You cannot view both live and captured data simultaneously, or compare two takes. |
For more information, see:
The current data in Shogun Live is served to Vicon DataStream SDK clients over port 801, so that MotionBuilder and Unreal show the reviewed clip when Shogun Live is not capturing.
For clients that require uninterrupted live, an additional DataStream SDK server sends the current live data over port 804.
You can launch and control MCP review using the Live SDK.
For more information, see the Live SDK sample script included in the API package (by default installed in C:\Program Files\Vicon\ShogunLive1.#\SDK\) and the information in the supplied code.
The sample script (, enables you to open an MCP for review in Shogun Live by specifying a capture name, as shown in the following example, or just review live data if no name is specified.
python --name Jack_Fin_2019-10-15_17-19-26
For more information on using Python with Shogun, see Python scripting with Vicon Shogun.
You can check your reference footage against what was captured, including any overlay of the 3D mesh. To do this:
You can check raw data for captured takes. This can be useful when troubleshooting or investigating possible issues. To do this: