This troubleshooting section covers the following aspects of creating and calibrating a subject in Shogun Live:

A-pose booting

My subject doesn’t pass the A-pose detection stage.

Look in the log for an explanation as to why the A-pose cannot be detected or why it has been rejected.

The system says “Awaiting boot”.

This message means that the A-pose has been detected and successfully sent to the tracker subsystem. However the tracker subsystem is unable to label the subject from the current pre-calibrated skeleton.

Subject calibration

Calibration of the solving skeleton is jittery.

During live subject calibration, jittery refinements of the solving skeleton may occur with some subjects.

Jittery refinements are unimportant as long as the subject obtained at the end of the calibration process is correct.

The result of the solving skeleton calibration looks bad.

Capture a new ROM and ask the subject to:

Still observing issues?

The labeling clusters won’t attach to the subject.

Ensure at least 10 calibration frames are collected. Shogun only collects these frames if the ROM includes some motion.

During subject re-calibration, the labeling clusters were detached from the subject.

This is expected behavior at the start of the re-calibration process. At least 10 calibration frames must be collected before labeling clusters are re-attached to the subject. This is not possible unless the ROM includes some motion.