You can use Vicon Shogun Post's batch-processing feature to convert raw Vicon video files (.vvid) captured from Vicon video cameras (Bonita Video or Vue) to .mov files, using Bayer conversion. Batch transcoding to .mov produces smaller video files that can be used in third-party applications as well as within Shogun, and enables you to easily move the files to an appropriate location for use in Post. In Shogun 1.5 and later, you can also batch-process auto compressed .mov files in Post to un-distort the video and overlay the timecode.

(For information on setting up video cameras to capture directly in Shogun Live to .mov format, see Realtime video compression.)

The following steps provide a quick introduction to using Shogun Post to transcode video. For more information on batch processing with Shogun Post, see the Vicon video: 8 - Shogun Post - Batch Processing Data.

To transcode video files:

  1. In Shogun Post, on the Processing tab of the ribbon, click Batching.
  2. In the Batching panel, in the Mode field, select Process Video.
  3. In the Settings section, ensure Export to Original Directory is selected (the default). When this option is selected, the converted .mov files are saved to the same location as the .x2d, whether your raw video files (.vvid) were saved to a custom location (such as an SSD) or are already in the same location as the .x2d.
  4. Ensure the Quality field is as required.

  5. In the Files and Processing section, below the Batch Progress line, ensure no unwanted files remain from previous batch processes. (If you find any unwanted files, click on their names and then click the Remove button.)
  6. Click the Add Files button and in the Import dialog box, select the .x2d, .vvid or .mov files that you want to transcode and click Open. (Use the .x2d option if you have multiple Vicon video cameras, as it transcodes all the related video files.)
    The names of the files you added are displayed in the Files and Processing section near the bottom of the Batching panel.
  7. Click Start.
  8. To check that your files have been transcoded, when the Batch Progress bar turns blue and displays 100%, you can open the relevant folder (see Step 3 above) in Windows Explorer and see your transcoded file(s).

  9. When you have checked thatyour files have all been transcoded and saved to the specified folder, you can delete them from their original location (for example, from an SSD).