Set the range of a number box user control on the given user window so that there is a set minimum and maximum value that cannot be exceeded.
User Window
setNumBoxRange userControlID minVal maxVal |
Name | Type | Required | Comments |
maxVal | float/int | yes | Maximum number that the num box will display |
minVal | float/int | yes | Minimum number that the num box will display |
userControlId | int | yes | ID of user control to apply command to |
// Create a Check Box User Control. int $windowId; int $controlId; float $value = 10.0; // First create a User Window to place the Control on $windowId = `createWindow "MyWindow"`; // Create the Control on the Window, passing // in the Window Id of the User Window we // just created. Make floating point, specifying the initial // value and a spinner $controlId = `createNumBox $windowId -num $value -spin -flt`; setNumBoxRange $controlId 10.0 20.0; |