Enables you to specify script handlers for list view events. Handlers are scripts of your choosing that get called when an event happens, such as the checked state of an item changing.
Calling this command without specifying any of the flags has the effect of clearing all of the handlers for the list view.
User Window
setListViewHandler userControlID[-selChange string] [-checkChange string] |
Name | Type | Required | Comments |
userControlID | integer | yes | ID of the user control to operate on |
Name | Flag arguments | Argument type | Exclusive to | Comments |
selChange | 1 | string | — | Specify the script to be called when the selection state of items in the list view changes. |
checkChange | 1 | string | — | Specify the script to be called when the checked state of items in the list view changes. |
// Demonstrate usage of a List View User Control int $windowID, $listViewID, $formID; // Destroy window if it already exists if( `windowExists "ListViewTesting"` == true ) { destroyWindow "ListViewTesting"; } // Create window and list view $windowID = `createWindow "ListViewTesting"`; $listViewID = `createListView $windowID -form $formID -checkBoxes`; // Create the columnsstring $columns[3]; int $widths[3]; $columns[0] = "Name"; $columns[1] = "Age"; $columns[2] = "Gender"; $widths[0] = 150; $widths[1] = 50; $widths[2] = 100; setListViewColumns $listViewID $columns $widths; // Set the script we want to get called when the selection state of // one of the items changes setListViewHandler -selChange "MySelChangeHandler"; // Save the value of the list control so we can get it our handler script setGlobalVar "MyListViewID" $listViewID; // /////////////////////////////////////// // In "MySelChangeHandler. This script must exist under one // of your script directories. int $listViewID = `getGlobalIntVar "MyListViewID"`; print( `getListViewSelItems $listViewID` ); |