Sets the import options for XCP (extended camera parameter) files. When this type of the file is imported the options affect the imported objects.
File handling
xcpImportOptions [-importCal boolean] [-importThreshold boolean] |
Name | Flag arguments | Argument type | Exclusive to | Comments |
importCPFile | 1 | boolean | — | Import/Skip camera parameters. |
importVTTFile | 1 | boolean | — | Import/Skip threshold parameters. |
importCal | 1 | boolean | — | — |
importThreshold | 1 | boolean | — | — |
// Import extended camera parameter file with the cameras. // Do not import threshold map. xcpImportOptions -importCPFile on -importVTTFile off; loadFile -createSecondFig -importType "selCreateNew" "C:/ShogunPost/Thursday July20/00001/00001.xcp"; |