About HSL scripting with Shogun

This guide explains the HSL scripting that is available with Shogun, introduces you to the script interface components, and teaches you the basic structure and tools you need to use scripts and to tailor them to your requirements.

Before you create scripts, ensure that you feel comfortable using Shogun Live and Post to capture, edit, and export data.

Note the following points:

Creating scripts

Remember that Shogun Post comes with example HSL scripts that you can use to modify and manipulate motion capture data. You can find these sample scripts in the C:\Program Files\Vicon\ShogunPost#.#\Scripts folder. Sometimes the easiest way to create a script is simply to duplicate and modify one of the existing scripts.

Running scripts

Reviewing executed scripts

Now that you understand these fundamentals, you can begin creating, using, and allowing others to use your scripts.

About Vicon Shogun documentation

The following documentation is available with Shogun, both as help pages available online and as PDFs that you can download from help.vicon.com:

Document Description
What'sNewin Vicon Shogun Describes new features in the latest release.
Installing and licensing Vicon Shogun Installation and licensing instructions.
Getting started with Vicon Shogun Basic information on an end-to-end workflow for capturing data with Vicon Shogun Live and processing and exporting it with Vicon Shogun Post.
Getting more from Vicon Shogun More advanced information to help you to take your use of Shogun further, for example, to add your own customizations, or to automate capture.
HSL scripting with Vicon Shogun HSL scripting guidelines and commands.
Python scripting with Vicon Shogun Basic information on using Python with Shogun.
Getting started with Vicon Retarget Basic information on using Vicon's retargeting application.

For more documentation related to Shogun and other Vicon documents, visit help.vicon.com.