
Sets the options for the velocityLabel command.

Functional area


Command syntax


velocityLabelOptions [-startupError float] [-predictionError float] [-maxGap integer] [-numAvgFrames integer] [-frameByFrame boolean] [-stopOnMultiple boolean] [-continuous boolean] [-primary boolean][-reset]




NameFlag argumentsArgument typeExclusive toComments
startupError1floatSpecifies the max distance in mm between the marker being labeled and other markers for it to be considered for labeling.
predictionError1floatSpecifies the max velocity between the marker being labeled and other markers for it to be considered for labeling. Measured in mm per second.
maxGap1integerSpecifies the max number of frames without data the velocity labeler will continue trying to label before quitting.
numAvgFrames1integerSpecifies the number of frames to use when computing the average velocity of the marker we are labeling.
frameByFrame1booleanSpecifies if the labeler should test consider each frame or only each trajectory.
stopOnMultiple1booleanSpecifies if the labeler should stop when multiple solutions are present.
continuous1booleanSpecifies if the labeler should iterate until no more labels are made.
primary 1boolean
reset0Resets the options to default values.

Return value



// Set the velocity labeler to be able to skip gaps smaller than 
// 5 frames.
velocityLabelOptions -maxGap 5;

Additional information

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