This command performs conversion of raw video captured from Vicon Bonita and Vue video cameras if needed and compresses the video.
Videos captured in Shogun Live can be compressed to JPEG-based MOV files.
Data editing
transcodeVideo "sourceFile" "destinationFile" [-videoPayload string] [-quality integer] [-timecodeOverlay] [-timecodeOverlayPosition string] [-timecodeOverlaySize string] [-overrideSaturation float] [-overrideGammaCorrection float] [-correctForLensDistortion] [-backupOriginalFile] [-removeAudio] |
Name | Type | Required | Comments |
sourceFile | string | Yes | The full path and filename of the raw video file that is to be converted. |
destinationFile | string | Yes | The full path and filename of the converted file. |
Name | Flag args | Type | Excl | Comments |
videoPayload | 1 | string | — | Video payload (ImageJPEG) |
quality | 1 | integer | — | Specifies compression quality, from 1 to 100, with 100 being the highest quality. |
timecodeOverlay | 0 | — | — | Specifies that timecode overlay occurs during transcoding |
timecodeOverlayPosition | 1 | string | — | Specifies the location for timecode overlay. Options match those in the Batching panel. |
timecodeOverlaySize | 1 | string | — | Specifies the text size for the timecode overlay. Options are x-small, small, medium, large and x-large. |
overrideSaturation | 1 | float | — | Specifies an alternative value for the color saturation to be applied during conversion. If this option is omitted, the value set at capture time is used. |
overrideGammaCorrection | 1 | float | — | Specifies an alternative value for the gamma correction to be applied during conversion. If this option is omitted, the value set at capture time is used. |
correctForLensDistortion | 0 | — | — | If the source file contains a camera lens calibration, use this to distort the output video to correct for lens distortion. |
backupOriginalFile | ||||
removeAudio | Removes the audio |
// The following command converts a raw video file called
// Take_001.vvid, and saves the output .mov to a location
// different from that of the original file
transcodeVideo "F:/Video/Take_001.vvid" "D:/Transcoded_Data/" -videoPayload ImageJPEG -quality 90 -timecodeOverlay -timecodeOverlayPosition TopLeft -overrideSaturation 1.1 -overrideGammaCorrection 2.0;