Copies all the selected keys to the clipboard.
copyKeys may only be used under these conditions: a) exactly one module is selected, and b) a one channel selection is made within only one channel of the module.
For example, if BoneNode "right_foot" is selected, you may copy keys from Translation:X or Translation:Y or Translation:Z; but not from Translation:X and Translation:Y and/or Translation:Z.
Data editing
copyKeys [-all] [-ranges] |
Name | Flag arguments | Argument type | Exclusive to | Comments |
all | 0 | — | ranges | Copies all the data for the controller to the clipboard |
ranges | 0 | — | all | Copies the selected ranges to the clipboard |
Returns true if successful, false if the operation could not be performed.
// Select the Y Rotation channel of the module right_foot, // and copy all the keys within the selected range to the clipboard. select right_foot; selectProperty "RotationY"; copyKeys -ranges; |