If you're using versions of Shogun Post earlier than 1.7, or if you want to use the manual process to set up a retarget, see the following videos and instructions.
If you are using Shogun Post 1.8 or later and are new to retargeting with Shogun Post, or if you want to copy an existing constraint setup to other retargeting skeletons, see Automatically set up a retarget.
Vicon Shogun 1.3 Post Tutorial - Retargeting Setup
Vicon Shogun 1.3 Post Tutorial - Retargeting Test
Vicon Shogun 1.3 Post Tutorial - Streaming Retargets into Unreal
You can import the target skeleton as an FBX or USD file, or VSR, if a setup already exists. Ideally the imported file will contain just the skeleton and skin and as little else as possible.
To import the target skeleton:
To check that no target skeleton has been imported, open the Subject Management panel.
The Retargeting column displays a red circle, indicating that no retargeting setup is present.
For more information on the Subject Management panel, watch Vicon Shogun 1.3 Post Tutorial - Subject Management on YouTube.
Do either of the following:
In the Subject Setup panel, select the Retargeting tab, select Load and then select the required target.
Drag the target skeleton file into the Shogun Post view pane.
When you are prompted, choose Skeleton.
The target skeleton is imported into the current subject hierarchy with the topmost bone of the target skeleton parented to a Retargeting node.
Note When you import an FBX, it sometimes isn't added under the Retargeting node. In this case, manually parent the skeleton to the node (select the required nodes and on the Objects menu, click Parent). |
On the Retargeting tab, select Map Mode (see About map mode) to enable this mode.
This creates a separate clip that you use to pose the target skeleton relative to the source skeleton.
If the source and target skeletons don’t have roots in the same position or have a differing orientation, select Align Skeletons.
Shogun Post tries to put the skeletons into the same positions and root pose.
You can more closely align the skeletons using the Translate and Rotate manipulators (not the Special manipulator).
Be sure to move the root, not any dummy bones above it.
Tip When creating constraints in Shogun Post 1.6 and later, note the following shortcuts:
As a starting point for the constraints, add a position on hands, feet and hips; and rotation on all joints.
If your target skeleton has more joints than the Vicon source skeleton, you can constrain multiple target joints to the same Vicon source joint.
Tip: You can use HSL scripting to speed up creating constraints. For information and examples, see attach in HSL scripting with Vicon Shogun. Another way to speed things up is to mirror the changes you make to one side of the source and target skeletons onto the other side. See Mirror constraints and Mirror joint manipulation.
You can alter multiple constraint weights in the table on the Retargeting tab.
To enable you to immediately see the changes you're making, in the toolbar at the top, ensure the Enable interactive retargeting button
is selected (green).You can also select or clear Active to turn constraints on or off.
Set weights for all rotations. The recommended value for Rotation weights is 200. To set multiple rotations to 200, on the Retargeting tab, drag to select the required rows in the table and then in the Weight column, set the value of one of them to 200.
All the selected rotation weights are updated to 200.
Tip: If you want to automatically copy your changes to weights from one side of the skeleton to the other, ensure the Mirror Weight Changes option is also selected (see Mirror weights).
For information on the relevant HSL commands, see the following commands in HSL Scripting with Vicon Shogun.
To make the creation of retargeting constraints faster and less error prone, you can choose to mirror the changes you make to one side of the source and target skeletons onto the other side.
The same option enables you to mirror edits to retargeting constraints.
To mirror retargeting constraints:
When posing a target or source skeleton during retarget setup, you often need to make the same adjustment to each side. To speed up pose adjustments, you can automatically mirror the change you've made to one side to the other side. You can use the same mirroring option when setting up a solve to mirror changes to the pose or bone length. A new button in the manipulator toolbar enables you to do this.
To mirror changes to the pose or bone length of a skeleton:
In the Manipulator toolbar on the left of the view pane, ensure the Mirror manipulation button
When you create make changes to one side of the subject, they are automatically copied to the other side.
When you're adding or editing weights, you can use the mirroring option, Mirror Weight Changes. to make the same changes on both sides of the skeleton simultaneously.
To mirror weight constraints:
You can test the retarget setup in Shogun Post or in Shogun Live. To test the retarget setup in Post:
To test the retarget setup in Live:
If after testing, you find that further changes are needed, return to map mode and modify the setup (see Modify a retarget).