Gets the number of items in the drop list user control that is specified by userControlID
User Window
getNumDropListItems userControlID |
Name | Type | Required | Comments |
userControlId | int | yes | ID of user control to operate on. |
// Get the number of Drop List User Control items
int $windowId;
int $controlId;
int $numItems;
// First create a User Window to place the Control on
$windowId = `createWindow "MyWindow"`;
// Create the User Control on the Window.
$controlId = `createDropList $windowId`;
// Add some items to the Drop List.
addDropListItem $controlId "Item 1";
addDropListItem $controlId "Item 2";
addDropListItem $controlId "Item 3";
// Get the number of items
$numItems = `getNumDropListItems $controlId`;
print $numItems;