To control user and system preferences, you use the controls in the Preferences dialog box.
To access this dialog box, from the Settings menu select Preferences or press Shift+P.
For information on the two sections in the Preferences dialog box, see:
To configure settings in the Preferences dialog box:
To view or change the settings for an option, click on the option to select it.
Tip: To see any available additional settings, click Show Advanced. To show basic settings only, click Hide Advanced.
Changes made to preferences are tied primarily to your login and are automatically saved to the C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Tracker4.x\<userName> folder.
Some preferences may also be found in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Tracker4.x. All preferences files are updated when you successfully close the Preferences dialog box.
For detailed descriptions of all the settings in this dialog box, see Preferences options.
At the top of the User Preferences section, in the Folders section, you can specify the location for calibration objects, objects and prop meshes. The default locations are:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\CalibrationObjects, or ...\Objects, or ...\PropMeshes.
In the remaining sections, you can select or clear options for various features:
In the System Preferences section, you can specify the path for Shared and User Data files. To change the current path, enter the location in the relevant data folder field or browse to it.