Before you begin

Before you begin, ensure the following preconditions are met:

Set up the Shogun prop

  1. In Shogun Live, using the Tracking panel, create a new rigid prop.

    Ensure that the prop's co-ordinate system is Y-up, Z-back. This is to match the SteamVR HMD orientation.

  2. Ensure that the object pose (root bone) is positioned correctly located at the center of the eyes.

  3. Take note of the prop name.

Set up Live Link

To set up Live Link, use one of the methods described in Create a Live Link source.

Set up Fusion

  1. Follow the steps in Initialize Vicon Fusion.
  2. Ensure the Object Name field matches the Shogun prop name.

Package the project

  1. Navigate to Edit > Project Settings.

  2. Navigate to Project > Description > Settings.

  3. Ensure Start In VR is enabled.

  4. Follow the steps in Packaging a project.
  5. Launch the executable.